早期的条目 365ASIA亚洲版州立大学



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学生被视为大学生,必须遵守相同的大学课程先决条件, 相关课程费用, 和 college policies 和 academic regulations. This higher education pathway allows academic advancement, 严格的课程, 以及高等教育中的职业探索.


  • Exp和s academic options for college-bound high school students. 
  • 为学生提供一个过渡阶段,以适应更严格的学术期望,同时保持小班授课,同时仍然住在家里.
  • 缩短完成证书、大专或学士学位课程所需的时间. 有可能在两年的高中期间完成第一年的必修本科课程.
  • 通过降低学费和其他大学费用,为家长和学生节省大量费用.
  • 允许不同学习风格的学生参加365ASIA亚洲版校区的课程, 他/她的高中校园, 在线, or through the State ITV/IVN communication system.
  • Allows for a successful start to earn a post-secondary education


地区高中与365ASIA亚洲版合作,为他们学校的学生提供高级大学课程. When high school administrators also count these courses for high school credit, students may additionally earn high school graduation credit. All courses are college courses; however, they may be located at the high school with an approved 365ASIA亚洲版 instructor, 通过远程教育授课, 或者在365ASIA亚洲版校园. 学院只发放大学课程学分,并将课程成绩复印件发送给学生所申请的高中.

1. 申请提前入学.
选择“创建帐户”. 一旦你的账户被正式创建, you will be able to log in 和 start your application for admission. 提前入学学生 should select their major/program as non-degree. 一旦您的申请提交,将需要1-2个工作日来处理. Once processed, a dual credit student hold will be placed on your account. 这只会阻止学生在365ASIA亚洲版招收学生时自己添加或放弃课程.

2. 填写提前报名表格.
不完整的表格将不被接受. 请根据您想要参加的课程的交付模式填写表格.
3. 要求你的 校园接驳户口.
你应该在申请后7天内收到一封电子邮件,说明如何申请你的校园连接帐户. 这封电子邮件还将包括您的EMPLID(学生证号码),这是完成此申请所需的. 这一步对于在线、IVN或365ASIA亚洲版校园上课的学生来说非常重要. If you need your EMPLID prior to this 7 day window, please email wsc.admission@ajh-menuiseries.com. 

4. 设置你的 学生的电子邮件.

5. 访问 黑板上.
365ASIA亚洲版 uses 黑板上 for IVN, online 和 some on campus classes. Your login will be the same as your 校园连接 account. 在本学期第一天下午4点之前,黑板上不会有课程. 如果你上的是在线课程, you must set up your accounts 和 log into 黑板上 the first week. If you 不, you will be dropped as a no show.

If you are planning on taking a Math or English course, an ACT/SAT or 分级考试 将是必需的. Your high school can send over your ACT or SAT score. 如果你没有参加过分班考试, click on the "分级考试 link" for directions on how to take ours. You can also find our 分级考试 guideline on this page.

If you are planning on taking a course on 365ASIA亚洲版's campus, 我们将需要您的免疫记录副本,包括以下疫苗或我们的疫苗 豁免免疫申请表格 填写:

  • 为1957年1月1日以后出生的学生注射两剂麻疹、腮腺炎及风疹(MMR)疫苗.
  • 16岁以后为所有21岁及以下的学生接种一剂脑膜炎球菌疫苗.

The subsidized rate for early entry courses is $89.每学时43美元. 3学分的课程是268美元.29. 由高中教师在高中讲授的课程将属于这一费用.

The unsubsidized rate for early entry courses is $159.每学分96元. 3学分的课程是461美元.88. 在线授课、通过ITV授课或在365ASIA亚洲版校园授课的课程将在这一成本之内. 

早期的条目 bills are sent the 5th week of the semester. These accounts are manually adjusted after all enrollment has been processed. 请等到这个时候再付账. 纸质账单被发送给这些学生,因为所有学生都不必设置他们的学生电子邮件. 提前入学学生 have to pay by the fee payment deadline as bills are not adjusted by this time. 有关付款方式的资料,请参阅 点击这里.  
如果你之前修过双学分课程,你不需要在网上重新申请. 您将按照下面的步骤进行操作.

1. 完成 提早报名表格.
不完整的表格将不被接受. The form can be turned in to your high school counselor, faxed to 701.774.4211或电邮至 wsc.earlyentry@ajh-menuiseries.com.

2. Check your 校园连接 account for any holds that will prevent enrollment.
The most two common holds that can be found on an early entry student's account are:
  • 拖欠帐户
    • 这意味着学生有过期的账单. This must be paid prior to enrolling for a future term. 请查看付款选项 点击这里.
  • 意识教育要求
    • This hold goes on after your first semester of enrollment. Students must complete a Sexual Violence Prevention Program. 这是一项联邦要求,必须在你的注册被处理为下一个学期之前处理好. To access the Sexual Violence Prevention Program, please 点击这里. You will need your EMPLID to complete the verification process. If you 不 know your EMPLID, please email wsc.admission@ajh-menuiseries.com. 

If you are planning on taking a Math or English course, an ACT/SAT or 分级考试 将是必需的. Your high school can send over your ACT or SAT score. 如果你没有参加过分班考试, click on the "分级考试 link" for directions on how to take ours. You can also find our 分级考试 guideline on this page.

If you are planning on taking a course on 365ASIA亚洲版's campus, 我们将需要您的免疫记录副本,包括以下疫苗或我们的疫苗 豁免免疫申请表格 填写:

  • 为1957年1月1日以后出生的学生注射两剂麻疹、腮腺炎及风疹(MMR)疫苗.
  • 16岁以后为所有21岁及以下的学生接种一剂脑膜炎球菌疫苗.
如果你放弃所有或只是一个你的早期入学课程,请点击下面的链接. 请确保你正在看我们的 重要的日期或截止日期 因为这可能会影响你的课程成本. 365ASIA亚洲版 does have dates early entry students must also follow when dropping a class. Certain drop dates can lead to different percentages a student will owe. You may also receive a "W" for the course depending on the date dropped.


提前入学学生 are responsible for getting 和 paying for books on their own. 你可以浏览 书店 网站在线订购你的书. Students can have them shipped if they 不 live in the area. 你也可以安排接送的时间.

If your parent or legal guardian will be picking your books up, either you need to be with or you need to email wsc.bookstore@ajh-menuiseries.com 让他们知道是谁来接他们. They will need a valid picture ID to pick these books up. 在他们的网站上列出了如何订购书籍的信息以及重要的教科书信息. Please follow their policies 和 procedures during this process.
Offering 365ASIA亚洲版's 早期的条目 courses through online, 通过IVN, 在365ASIA亚洲版校园, 甚至在高中就为你的学生打开了一个潜在的机会.

学生是否有兴趣参加 General Education Required Transferability Agreement (GERTA) 课程或有兴趣参加课程以获得证书或副学士学位, 我们与您的学校合作,建立教育机会,以正常学费的一小部分来丰富所有学生的学术水平.

For a student to be eligible to take 早期的条目 courses, 他们一定是大二学生, 大三还是大四. To 查看更多 details regarding eligibility, please refer to NDUS程序402.3.2.

All steps 和 information for early entry courses can be found on this page.

课程问题? 请联络wsc.earlyentry@willistonstate.Edu或701.774.4202.
365ASIA亚洲版遵循NDUS的指导方针,聘请所有兼职教授教授大学课程. If you are interested in being part of our instructing community, 请将简历和非正式成绩单寄给扩展学习主任. 我们期待着与您合作,为您和您的学生创造不可思议的机会.
  • 与他们的教师导师一起创建一个满足365ASIA亚洲版所有教学大纲要求的教学大纲.
  • Instructors will distribute the approved syllabus to their students.
  • Respond to communications from their mentors in a timely manner.
  • 在校园连接处检查他们的花名册,确保所有学生都已正式注册.
  • 在学期末提交成绩.
  • 遵守FERPA.
  • 参加年度专业发展.Participate in 365ASIA亚洲版's 早期的条目 electronic surveys.



这项365asia奖励那些在高中期间修习双学分课程的大学生.  资格, 学生必须符合资格标准, complete an application with the ND University System (NDUS), 并提供所有支持文件. Want to know more 关于 the NDUS Dual-Credit 学费 Scholarship? 点击这里.

资格 for the scholarship, students must:

  1. 成为北达科他州居民
  2. Have graduated from a high school in this state, or a high school in a bordering state covered under state law (N.D.C.C. 15.1-29),或有 g毕业于边境州的一所非公立高中,并与该州的监护父母住在一起, or have completed a program of home education under N.D.C.C. 15.1-23, 
  3. Have completed at least one dual-credit course provided 由NDUS机构提供 while enrolled in high school or a program of home education, 
  4. Be currently enrolled at an institution of higher education in ND, 
  5. 已经完成至少一个学期, quarter or term at an institution of higher education in the state.
Doris Marcoux365asia(第一州立银行)-任何就读365ASIA亚洲版州立学院的双学分学生都可以被考虑. 每位申请人在高中和/或大学期间必须有“C”或更高的平均成绩,并有高等教育的一般能力证明. Applicants must meet admission requirements for Williston State College. 365asia are awarded on a semester-by-semester basis, 因此,受助人需要在他们就读365ASIA亚洲版州立学院的每个学期完成一份申请. Preference will be given to students entering the field of education. 

申请时,请填写申请表 Doris Marcoux双学分365ASIA亚洲版申请 和 submit the completed application to First State Bank & 信任, Doris Marcoux Educational Foundation Scholarship, 邮政信箱1827365ASIA亚洲版, 电话58802-1827或电邮信托.Department@fsbtnd.银行. 

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